A music composition couple, Darren Franklin and Cory Noll have paired up to collaborate under "Franklin Noll Music Publishing" and have written a variety of music genre, from hard rock and ballads to hip hop, groove, soft rock and country.
The first full release, a song titled "Kokoda Dawn" has now been mastered and the occompanying music video clip contains file footage of the war and the diggers who faced the daily challenges of the Kokoda Track, with the assistance of their "Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels". It is an immense priveledge to be granted the rights to use this footage and we were very proud to participate in this projest.
Kokoda Dawn is now ready for digital release (in time for ANZAC Day) and is available for distribution. Please contact us to request the use of this track and we are greatful in any assistance in distributing it far and wide. Full HD video clip is available upon request.